Sabong with Iron Spurs – The Betting Form That Shakes Up the Market

Sabong with Iron Spurs

Sabong with iron spurs stands out in the online betting village when it can bring quality competition to everyone. The gameplay is simple, betting is easy, so it is suitable for many members. Therefore, to be able to conquer this form of entertainment, you should choose to follow the following information.

What is Sabong with iron spurs?

In the competitions of the gods, people will see two main forms: traditional and iron spurs. In which, the iron spur Sabong bets have the same rules as the traditional form. From the time, the rules for determining the winner and loser, … to the betting options, there is no difference.

However, if you learn carefully, the bettors will know that for iron spur battles, the fighting cocks are equipped with weapons. Before the match, the cocks will attach iron weapons to their legs. 

This makes the divine chickens have higher damage and a higher chance of winning. Therefore, when watching Sabong with iron spurs, you will see that the time the divine chickens appear on the field is often fast. Instead of having to participate in dozens of rounds, the Iron Spur battles only last a few rounds.

During this process, fighting cocks are often injured by the strong killing power of their opponents. It is also common for fighting cocks to lose their lives. Therefore, cockfighters will prioritize choosing strong, healthy cocks with strong bodies and good kicking power.

Standard Sabong rules of the year

In Sabong with iron spurs, the rules are detailed in terms of weight, time, and how to determine victory or defeat. This helps the fights take place fairly.

Rules on chicken breeds

Standard Sabong rules of the year
Standard Sabong rules of the year

Before each Sabong match, the weight of the cock is usually confirmed. Although this has been done by the cockfighter, to ensure fairness and transparency, both sides will do it a second time. The cocks are divided into 3 different classes:

  • Lightweight is a competition for fighting cocks weighing less than 3 kg.
  • Meanwhile, the average class of chickens will have a weight minus 3 kg to 4 kg.
  • Chickens over 4 kg will compete with each other and be ranked in heavyweight.

How does the fighting process of the spirit chicken take place?

Competing together, the fighting cocks will be tested for their chicken rank as well as their health. Then, the fighting cocks are brought face to face by holding their tails and facing each other.

When the start command is given, the cocks are released and begin to compete. Every 15 minutes without any result being determined, the cocks are separated for rest and watering. This process continues until the result of the competition is known.

The difference between winning and losing 

How to know the result of a cockfight. Normally, the match is determined:

  • Fighting cocks that die, run away, or are injured and cannot stand up will be considered losers. 
  • In case both sides stand still and neither side attacks within the specified time, the game is a draw. However, bettors should know that this is an extremely rare situation in Sabong with iron spurs. 
  • Professionally trained cocks are always aggressive. Therefore, they always rush at each other when they meet, and standing still is a very rare occurrence.

Time of the fighting cocks in the field 

In a cockfight with spurs, the duration of the fight is determined by rounds. The two sides can fight for 1 round to several dozen rounds. The number of rounds is not clearly defined and depends on the strength and ability of the two fighting cocks.

According to the rules, a round lasts 15 minutes. After the end of a round, the chickens will have a 5-minute break. The battle will end when one of the two chickens wins or is a draw. 

Forms of competition in Sabong with iron spurs

Sabong with iron spurs attracts people to watch thanks to the drama in the battles. Accordingly, those who experience it will see forms such as:

Sabong with knives

The spur is a weapon designed with a shape similar to a knife blade with the blade extending outward. This design helps increase the strength of the chickens during the fight.

Round spur Sabong

Meanwhile, round spurs are also a form of iron-spurred Sabong that is extremely lethal. The chicken is equipped with sharp and curved weapons on its legs. Therefore, in each battle, the opponent who gets hit will be seriously injured.

What are the options for betting on Sabong with knives?

If you follow Sabong with iron spurs, bettors can also participate in betting with the following options:


This is a form of betting on the house chicken with a payout ratio ranging from 1: 0.86 to 1: 0.95. The probability of winning the Meron bet is quite high, so players often invest money.

Bookmaker fighting cocks have a huge investment, are regularly professionally trained, and have many opportunities to compete in big playgrounds. Therefore, their chances of winning are often higher.


Wala is the choice that people make in the gods from the players. You should know that Wala’s winning probability is lower. If compared, the winning rate is lower from 20% to 40%. Therefore, even though the payout is high 1:1, this is still an option that you will rarely choose.


A draw is a situation where the two fighting cocks cannot be determined to win or lose. According to the rules of Sabong with iron spurs, the two sides will be declared a draw after a certain period of time.

According to statistics from experienced players, this is a bet that rarely wins. Therefore, Sabong players, even though they are paid 1:8, will choose to ignore this bet to preserve their capital during entertainment.

Experience playing Sabong with iron spurs

Experience playing Sabong with iron spurs
Experience playing Sabong with iron spurs

How to play Sabong with iron spurs to win high? This is one of the questions that people often look for to get the highest winning rate.

  • First, you must choose the right battle for yourself. That is, only bet on matches where two fighting cocks have different performance levels. Then the player will clearly see which bet has a higher winning rate.
  • Besides, bettors should only bet on chickens with higher winning rates. Bettors observe fighting chickens and choose to invest in chickens with smooth feathers, fast attack speed, and good reflexes.
  • Before placing your money, you should also pay attention to whether the fighting cocks have met each other before. If so, what was the result and investment based on that?
  • Players should learn more about Sabong betting experiences according to Eastern concepts. Some players will choose to learn about Sabong days, feather colors, etc. and based on that, see the winning rate according to the mutual relationship of the five elements.
  • Bettors should look for quality and reputable betting addresses on the market. You should join a playground that has been operating for a long time and has big rewards, high promotions, and full payouts.


Sabong with iron spurs ensures exciting battles for everyone. To experience this form of betting, you can follow the Jili77 Official homepage and invest in betting. Therefore, follow the detailed information about this form of entertainment and how to conquer from experienced players.